Glorifying God through Word, Worship & Service.
Adult Faith Formation Opportunities:
Monday and Tuesday Night Faith Sharing Groups
Monday and Tuesday evenings year-round at 7:00pm. These groups watch a video series or do a book study. In the past these groups have read Rediscovering Catholicism and Why do Catholics do that?, as well as the video series The Search, The Great Adventure, Matthew, EPIC, A Biblical Walk through the Mass, EPIC: The Early Church, Catholicism, The New Evangelization and Authentically Free at Last.
*Call Heidi Vittetoe @ 319-461-1160 for the current study information.
Breaking Open the Word *Coming Soon*
Wednesday mornings after the school Mass in the Youth Room. Discover how the Gospels touch our lives today. Based on Lectio Divina, this Bible study requires no preparation and no homework!